4 Cost-Effective Digital Techniques During Covid-19
The coronavirus disease is not only harming people’s health but it’s also impacting a very large number of businesses around the world.
With that in mind, Let’s have a quick look at some smart ways to defend your business.
Go Digital Today
It’s Corona Time!
The global economy is undergoing challenging times. Small or large, every type of business is have been impacted by this disease right now. Thousands and thousands of offline businesses are anxious about it. But there’s is still hope.
The only solution we can recommend to you is “Going digital”. Yes, if you want to survive in this difficult time you should take your business online.
Online business plays a key role here. You should start showcasing/selling your products or service online. Get a website or an inline store.
If you are planning to start a retail or wholesale business, the only effective option you have is to promote your products and services online by creating an e-commerce store/website.
If your clients are going online than your why not your business. There are many benefits of online business. You will be connected with your existing customers and you will attract more new customers. Not only this you will also get a chance to worldwide market your business.
Digital Visibility
After getting a website, it is important to get your website to be seen by your potential clients. The best way to do this is by Organic SEO and low-cost Ad Campaigns.
Some of the main benefits of digital visibility are :
– It provides you the ability to reach a global marketplace
– It provides you the ability to interact with your prospects
– You can reach an enormous audience
– You can do smart business by saving more money and reaching to more online customers
– It provides higher conversion rates and establishes your brand reputation
– Better ROI for the investment
There are two great methods for improving your digital visibility. One is SEO and second is PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns.
SEO: SEO is a traditional keystone marketing strategy to optimize your website content so that it gets a better and higher position in SERP (search engine result pages). It is more efficient and brings organic traffic to your website.
PPC: On the other end, PPC is a pay-per-click marketing campaign in which the advertiser companies choose their banner ads design, layout, marketing budget, keywords, etc. and they are good to go. PPC brings faster results than SEO.
You can read more here: PPC VS SEO
Retain Existing Client Base
During the coronavirus outbreak, it’s the 3rd and very crucial method. Retaining your customers is as important as market your online business.
– Give your customers an incentive to come back.
– Initiate using automated & marketing emails to let clients know that you are still operating.
– Start low-cost tactical Social Engagements and Campaign on various platforms.
– Promote your gift cards and offer them some more discount.
– Connect with your existing clients on social media and start the conversation.
Measure The Results
The world knows that it’s a difficult time and it’s very important to stay positive. The global economy will again recover as fast as possible, till then we all need to be calm. The last and final advice is to measure your results.
It is important to manage and measure marketing spend and set up goals. Marketing goals are very important at this time, and they are a crucial part of the marketing strategy. Without properly defined goals and strategies, a business will struggle to achieve its goals.
A cut in digital and marketing activity may seem to be a short term solution but it is sure to have long term repercussions.
Yes, we all know that we will come out of the danger very soon, but for now, we need to just “Keep going”.
Here are some quick recap in points :
– Go digital today
– Boost your digital presence
– Target global customers
– Retain existing clients
– Build brand awareness and brand value
– Measure your Results