Local SEO

Local SEO

A new marketing strategy for Local Business



Stand Out, Stand Up

Don't let your small business get buried in the digital rubble. Propel your small business to the top of the search engine with our local SEO services. Top rankings, high-quality traffic - ensured.

Creative Solutions for Local Businesses

Local SEO requires an inventive approach. Considering most local businesses do not have access to a large digital landscape or inspire credibility or trust, the trick is to employ a creative, innovative SEO campaign. Whether that be through content marketing (users always want useful, interesting content), or implementing a strong user interface (for a user-friendly website experience), the key is to think outside-of-the-box. At SEO Buckinghamshire, we utilise Local SEO strategies with unique expertise and a comprehensive Local SEO audit before tinkering with your website. At SEO Buckinghamshire, we give your business the best chance to succeed and thrive, driving traffic, conversions, and ultimately sales.

Local SEO

We Add a Personal Touch

Working with SEO experts you trust is absolutely essential to ensuring a positive agency experience, and long-term success for your business. We get it. Our SEO service company strives to work hand-in-hand with clients, ensuring a positive experience that delivers optimum SEO results for your business. With open communication lines, opportunities to speak directly with SEO experts regarding inquiries and needs, our Local SEO strategy does not only involve results. It involves people too. Keep your business happy, keep your people happy.



Why Choose Local SEO Services?

Choosing to go with Local SEO Services can help you small business thrive long-term.

1. Benefits Small Businesses

Local businesses need online visibility to thrive. If you have a website, Local SEO services can optimise and maximise your business' potential, driving traffic and drawing in interested users. Now, websites are almost a necessity for businesses to gain traction and sales. Therefore, with Local SEO, your business can receive the personalised attention it needs to survive in a competitive digital atmosphere.

2. Weeds Out the Competition

Competitors are everywhere. With local businesses, there are likely hundreds of businesses offering similar, if not marginally superior (or simply more expensive) services. Therefore, adopting Local SEO campaigns and Local SEO marketing services is necessary to ensure a thriving local business that will come on top in a competitive digital market.

3. Classifies by Distance

Local businesses must attract specific customers - those willing to acquire their services or product, and those near enough to make a purchase. Utilising Google My Business (GMB), Local SEO Services implement an effective Local SEO campaign that garners results according to a customer's location. Therefore, those residing within a local business' area will yield business results in accordance with related keywords. From there, the logic is simple. Closer to your business, more likely to convert into customers.



Let Your Business Soar

Competition is fierce for local businesses. With large enterprises dominating the digital and physical market, no wonder many small businesses struggle to generate leads and drive traffic. At SEO Buckinghamshire, we do the work. Our Local SEO campaigns and Local SEO services guarantee results to allow your business to fly above the competition.

Worth The Investment

It's true. Sometimes, seeking Local SEO services isn't a practical solution for many small businesses with a constrained budget. We make it worth your while. With dedicated pricing plans, our SEO service company guarantees optimal bang for your buck.



Our Expertise is Unmatched

At SEO Buckinghamshire, we pride ourselves on our dedication to crafting creative digital solutions that inspire. Our Local SEO strategy is primed and personalised for each client to guarantee optimal results and ROI to maximise your business' potential. Considering local businesses must contend with the digital landscape that boasts immense competition, we give you a helping hand. So for any questions or inquiries, our SEO experts are more than happy to provide answers. Give your business its best chance. Choose SEO Buckinghamshire.


Organic SEO-Local SEO
Organic SEO

Local SEO
Local SEO

Technical SEO-Local SEO
Technical SEO

Global SEO-Local SEO
Global SEO

SEO Audits-Local SEO
SEO Audits

Ecommerce SEO-Local SEO
Ecommerce SEO

4 cost effective digital techniques.

A cut in digital and marketing activity may seem to be a short term solution but it is sure to have a long term repercussion.

  • Go Digital today. The only way you can run business is by going online and by showcasing/selling your products or service online. Get a website or an inline store.
  • Digital Visibility. After getting a website, it is important to get your website to be seen by your potential clients. Best way to do this is by Organic SEO and low cost Ad Campaigns.
  • Retain existing client base. Initiate using automated & marketing emails to let clients know that you are still operating. Start low cost tactical Social Engagements and Campaign on various platforms.
  • Measure the results. It is important to manage and measure your marketing spend and setup goals. Analytics is an important part of the digital strategy.

Dominate Your Market With The Expertise Of Our SEO Consultants

Our SEO consultants have years of immense experience and draw their conclusions from proven technologies. We put rigorous hard work, analysis and research on all the campaigns and development of strategies. On top of SEO services, we have various packages in place including Custom Digital Marketing, Web design, Social Media Marketing, E-commerce Websites, etc. You name it, we do it.

Pay For Our SEO Services Only When We’ve Delivered The Promised Results

We at SEO Buckinghamshire could give you a custom quote based on the bespoke package which we work out based on your Business and the amount of work we have to put in. At the end of the day, there is no better reward than a happy client.




Based on 5 reviews
Blessed Bhawna
Blessed Bhawna
Our partnership has grown exponentially with SEO Buckinghamshire over the years and they've also done a lot to shape the client experience with having a dedicated point of contact, direct access to developers, and more. They are quick with turn arounds, the quality is excellent and they've definitely been a fantastic partner to work with! Best Wishes from JMD Divine Consortium
Flower Vogue
Flower Vogue
The team did an amazing job on my website and branding, I’m so pleased! I get so many compliments and positive feedback from my customers visiting my new website. It was a pleasure to work with such a friendly professional team. I cannot recommend enough! thank you Amit & Divya!! 🙏🏼
Richard Stewart-Liberty
Richard Stewart-Liberty
Excellent service by all, thank you.
Andy Bedwell
Andy Bedwell
We had a solid and comprehensive review of our web presence with plenty of ideas to improve it. Thanks for the help!
rajesh gupta
rajesh gupta
SEO Buckinghamshire has helped me develop my business greatly with their professional assistance in website management.

Websites Designed


Happy Clients


SEO Work-done on Websites


We at SEO Agency offer complete SEO Solutions which help in bringing better traffic to your website, yielding higher business. Our professional SEO analysts will provide amazing oriented SEO results. We are professional SEO Agency which strictly follows the Google guidelines. Our SEO Analysts work tirelessly to give our clients guaranteed results for SEO services. It helps in achieving higher traffic, more sales & profit. We deliver detailed SEO reports on weekly basis, so that our clients can track our performance and take a look at the undertaken tasks on their website helping them understand the step by step progression.
What Is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the science of driving targeted website traffic to your website from search engines.

Why Is SEO Important?

For starters: search is a BIG source of traffic. 60% of all traffic on the web starts with a Google search. And if you add together traffic from other popular search engines (like Bing, Yahoo, and YouTube), 70.6% of all traffic originates from a search engine.

What are benefits of Organic SEO?

Do you want an SEO which?

1. Generates Revenue and Increases Business
2. Uses Google-recommended and tested strategies
3. Is undertaken by a team of SEO Specialists and Experts

You specify your requirements and leave the rest on our team of SEO Consultants. We provide you with a FREE NO OBLIGATION REVIEW of your Website. You can also learn to DIY with our SEO Workshops. A lot of our Clients have been benefited from these Workshops and totally love the idea of being able to do it themselves.

What is On-site SEO? Why is On-site SEO Important?

It simply means making sure that your website is structured in a way that search engine can understand.
On-site Search Engine Optimisation refers to the measures that are used to affect a Website or Web page listing in natural search results or getting traffic and uplift search rankings of a website.
It is also used for driving traffic and increasing awareness among search engines. This job is done by coding. Optimisation includes Meta tags, HTML code, keyword placement and keyword density.

What is Off-site SEO? Why is Off-site SEO Important?

Off-page SEO is the next best alternative. It is related to sequential activities directed to promote your website across the Globe.
It is one of the best ways of promoting and branding your goods and services. Search Engines are always looking for a mechanism to return the best search to the person who is involved in Google search.
Off - page SEO provides them with the feedback as to how other websites and users grade or rank their website. High Performance websites will more likely to have references (links) from other websites, mention on social media (facebook likes, pins etc.). Furthermore, it is likely to be bookmarked and shared among like-minded community of users.

Do I need SEO for my website?

Probably – are you looking to improve your rankings for the search terms your customers are using and get more traffic from search engines like Google? If so, the chances are SEO could probably help. But if you’re not sure, we can help you understand whether SEO is right for you, so request a free SEO Audit below or fill out our Project Discovery Form and we’ll help you figure it out.

Does SEO really work?

How did you find our site? Yes, SEO really works, when it’s done right and done well. We get the vast majority of traffic from our organic search rankings, which have been achieved by using the same strategies and techniques that we use on our client’s sites, so their businesses get the same benefits.

How much does SEO cost?

SEO projects can cost varying amounts, there are a number of factors to consider, including how competitive the sector is, how quickly you want to see results, and what state your site is in at the moment. Our smallest projects start at £700 per month but the greater the budget, the more work can be done, the better/quicker (relatively speaking) the results.

What does SEO involve?

Website Search Engine Optimisation is the process of working within the search engines’ guidelines to make sure your site gives them as much information and displays all the key factors they want to see, so they decide that your site should rank well in their results – at least that’s the way we approach it.

How long does SEO take to work?

The key thing to remember is that SEO takes time, but a lot depends on what kind of SEO your site needs. Improving the technical and content optimisation of your site can deliver results more quickly than if you need to develop your backlink profile, the key is to know what is needed, which is where we can help. Our clients typically see progress within 3 months, although projects can take 12 months and more to achieve their goals.

Is SEO worth the money?

In most cases yes – but not always. To decide if an SEO project is going to be worth it it’s important to understand the potential organic traffic it could deliver, how well that traffic is likely to convert, and how much those conversions are worth. Some sectors will have higher volumes of low-spending traffic, while others will get less organic traffic, but it converts and spends better. We can help you understand if an SEO project will show a return on investment for your business.

What industries need SEO the most?

If the goal is to rank in the organic search results and drive traffic to a website, businesses in any competitive sector are likely to require Search Engine Optimisation – simply because all the other sites in will most likely be using SEO to rank. But if your SEO is more effective, then you can make up a lot of ground on these other sites, and that’s where we can help.

How do I choose the best SEO Agency?

Choosing the best SEO Agency means research, research and more research. Checking through reviews, team credentials, and getting proposals and audits. Pearl Lemon is possibly the best SEO agency for you to bring in for you and your business.
Pearl Lemon is a multiple award-winning agency based in the UK. We have won awards by Clutch, Design Rush, and Agency Spotter. If you need any more convincing, you can check out all the reasons to bring us on board and how we stand up against the competition.

How to Hire an SEO Agency?

Hiring an SEO Agency is usually a multi-step process. Hiring starts with research the agency- you want to ensure that they have a proven reputation with results. One item to look for is a solid testimonial or case study page. Another point to check is their online presence and see verified reviews on popular directories.
For Pearl Lemon, the next step is sending us an email to get a discovery call booked, this way, we can ensure your needs are met, and we will be able to address any concerns. After a discovery call, you can also request an initial audit to be run of your site; this helps both our team and you know how your SEO is standing.
After this, if you choose to come on board with us. You will fill out a quick form to let us get as much information as possible about you and your business, bring our team of experts in for a briefing, and get ready for your launch.

How Do I Know If My Website Is SEO Friendly?

Easy, Google will tell you. As long as you have Google Search Console enabled for your website (which is a must anyway) any severe issues will be pointed out to you there. Suppose you want to do a quick test, however, to look for the smaller things that will improve your site’s SERP positioning, head to Google’s own Mobile-Friendly Test Tool. Input your URL, and you will be given a basic score and then head to GSC a full report which will include suggestions for improvement.

How do I choose what keywords to optimise for?

We will guide you through this process and will suggest the best keywords to drive qualified traffic to your website. As a starting point, we will provide keyword research that’s based on a number qualitative and quantitative factors. As well as looking at what people search for in your business niche, we will look at monthly search volumes (the average number of times a keyword is searched for in a month), how difficult keywords are to rank for in relation to competition, and potential click through rate. Based on these factors, we’ll be able to advise you on the best keywords to meet your business objectives.

Are keywords important for SEO?

Search engines are getting cleverer to understand user intent and their guidelines advice to write for the users, rather than for search engines. However, data from keyword research can reveal extremely useful information about consumer search habits which can make a huge difference in your website traffic.

How long does it take to start ranking?

It really depends on your competition and the authoritativeness of your website. The less competitive your niche is and the higher your existing domain authority, the earlier we will start seeing positive results.
We are confident in our SEO strategies and in general, we will start to see organic traffic and conversions growing after approximately 4-6 months. It is important to note however that SEO is never ‘done’. It is an ongoing process that must be maintained in order to benefit from long term success.

What are the differences between organic SEO, and local SEO?

If you have a physical location and you want to attract local customers, local SEO will really help. It’s all about optimising your Google Local Pack listing and your online directory presence too. Organic SEO is also important but this focuses on the natural listings of your website in the search engine results. It’s more about driving traffic to your website rather than your physical location.

How does organic SEO work?

It’s actually quite a complicated process. In simple terms, it can be divided into two core areas. One is relevancy. This involves working on a host of on-page things that matter to Google, like how quickly your web pages download, how well optimised your content is and the format of your code. The other area is trust, which is connected with off-page things that get you noticed. Basically, it’s like a PR campaign for your website.

Why do I need organic SEO?

If you want to increase the right kind of traffic to your website, then you need organic SEO. You’ll spend less on it than you would on paid search, and that’s a proven fact. Plus, conversions are higher with organic SEO. This is because users have more trust in organic listings.

How long does it take to see results from SEO?

Our experience shows that results and higher page rank occur in as little as three months. In fact, these are all determined based on competition, quality of content, keywords, and SEO efforts.

Can SEO increase my sales or leads?

Yes. Search engine optimization can improve a website's visibility in the search results. That increased visibility will lead to more potential customers learning more about your products or services. Very few marketing services can offer a comparable quality of customer and ROI.

How do backlinks help SEO?

Backlinks are extremely valuable when it comes to SEO. They represent a “vote of confidence” as one website is willing to send their traffic to another.
This said, our advice is not to trust link building providers but instead only rely on reputable, full-service SEO agencies to perform planned and targeted link building campaigns, which simultaneously monitor the impact.
It is imperative to follow Google’s strict guidelines when it comes to link building. Failure to do so can result in severe penalties that will significantly impact your organic visibility.

Why choose our SEO service?

SEO Buckinghamshire specialises in Search Engine Marketing (Internet marketing) techniques, which can involve but are not limited to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Pay Per Click (Google Adwords and PPC in general), on-site amendments, links removal and high DA link building. We offer cost effective Internet marketing services to clients in the UK, the rest of Europe and beyond.

Brand Experience

Brands big or small, we work with them all.



If you need help in any service like Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Advertising, Web Design & Development, PPC Management, Backlinks Creation and Content Writing. Just write us a brief email and leave everything on us!